The sloth fever virus is a virus of causes a feverish illness in humans that is spread by the bite of infected insects.
One of these disease outbreaks which has caught the public eye recently is the sloth fever virus. Even though there is a huge debate on whether this infectious disease is fictional or real; it is something that has caused quite a scare. Especially in the Americas.
With every new virus that comes up, the world learns just how fast pathogens like these can move.
This article will explain what the sloth fever virus is all about. It’s origin and all that is known about the virus.
The Origin of the Sloth Fever Virus
The sloth fever virus is said to be a zoonotic virus. That means, the virus can be transferred from animals to humans.
The virus was said to have originated from the rainforest in central and south America. It was stipulated that the dense nature of the forest coupled with the unexplored wildlife made it possible for the forest to act as a temporary incubator for the virus.
Sloths; the animal known for its slow metabolism became the reservoir of this virus.
Furthermore, according to stipulation, this virus has been in coexistence for centuries; coexisting harmlessly among these creatures in the wildlife.
However, over the years, humans have continuously encroached into wildlife habitats; deforestation has increased drastically; climate change has also become an issue. The balance has shifted.
Therefore, a virus that existed harmlessly in sloths can suddenly affect humans. When such an infectious disease breaks out, it becomes a global crisis.
Transmission and Spread of the Sloth Fever Virus
Transmission of the virus started through direct contact between humans and the infected animals. Also, just like most viruses, it is transmitted through bodily fluids.
In addition, the virus can be spread through contaminated surfaces and consumption of undercooked meat from infected animals.
The sloth fever virus is spread among humans through respiratory droplets. This is what makes it more deadly. It is highly contagious.
According to sources, the initial spread of the virus started from the natives who lived near the rainforests. Afterwards, it spread across to nearby towns, then cities; with travelers and traders being the major couriers.
Furthermore, it is stipulated that because of how highly contagious this virus is, it quickly spread to multiple countries. This made the WHO(World Health Organization) declare a global pandemic.
Symptoms of the Sloth Fever Virus
Based on the information that got out, the symptoms of the virus was both unique and scary.
Firstly, the virus is stipulated to have a long incubation period. Which means, individuals who had the virus wouldn’t know that they did. They will just keep spreading the virus as they go about their lives.
This made containing the outbreak during the early stages very difficult; or even next to impossible.
However, when the symptoms appeared, infected individuals exhibited extreme lethargy and fatigue. Symptoms that looked exactly like the slow movement of sloths.
Patients experience extreme lack of energy; which made the simplest tasks like walking and talking difficult.
According to experts, the virus was said to affect the nervous system; attacking the brain’s motor function; causing the slow reflexes and cognitive decline.
As the virus advanced to its final stages, the patients will experience a state of near paralysis. Muscles in the body become unresponsive and stiff.
Also, in most severe cases, the patient will enter a comatose state. Patients alive but unconscious and immobile.
Response and Containment
Apparently, when the disease started spreading rapidly, scientists did everything they could looking for cure. Meanwhile, the incubation stage of the virus and the spread made quarantine less effective.
Resources were pulled from different countries. Several pharmaceutical companies also decided to help out. In addition, research facilities from all around the world all worked together to find the cure for this virus.
According to stipulations, after several months, a vaccine was finally discovered; which made the world a little hopeful.
However, similar to how every other thing in this world is, political issues started arising after the vaccine was made. It was said that the richer companies and countries decided to hoard the vaccine, in order to skyrocket the prices.
The whole issue disrupted the supply chain and poorer nations could hardly get their hands on the vaccines.
Based on what we know so far, when viruses like the sloth fever virus break out; the world comes to its knees. An invisible enemy, capable of destroying nations. This tells us about the dangers lurking around in the natural world.